Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hi-Nu Gundam 1/100

A few months back started yet another new chapter in my life, there has been a few of those now, I'd say I've made it to about chapter three by now.  I needed time to think, to reflect and probably most of all to get lost in something.  We all have those moments where we want to check out of the real world for a bit, to lose ourselves in something or someone and enjoy the simpleness of it before the world comes knocking at the door again.

I decided to do a throw back to years earlier when I dropped a pretty penny and bought Gundam Wing Zero Custom perfect grade and spent several months in construction.  I've always been a Gundam fan, in my earlier years Gundam Wing was where it was all about, but now I find myself really enjoying the Universal Century. So I decided one day to head out to my local shop in China Town to procure the next installment of nerdiness.  This time I decided I was going to tackle the Master Grades as there were more options and less expensive.  Little did I know when I made that choice I would end up spending an hour in the store hemming and hawing over which model to pick up.  It didn't help that the kid working the store was a Gundam enthusiast and had convinced me that I should indeed buy them all.

I had decided by this time I would pick up Hi-Nu Gundam. Why? you ask? The answer is simple, I haven't a clue, maybe because the kid sold me on the new 2.0 inner frame work and its ability to be posed easier? The color scheme? Or perhaps I had just spent too much time in the store and I decided Hi-Nu was as good a place to start as any.

Above here is the box art for the unit. I like the artwork well enough that the box sits on display like its some kind of high art piece. Silly, I know.

This build I made pretty straight forward, snap piece A to piece C kinda deal. No paint, no glue, no fancy custom backpack boosters and enhanced fin-funnels. As a result, its a mediocre product in which I am mildly disappointed in, really no fault of the kit.  Between my state of mind and my impatience the thing really did not stand a chance. Below you can see how the kit is suppose to look:


As you can see the Japanese guy to worked that model up did a nice job, and as a result it looks cool, though to be honest the stock color scheme is a little weak in my opinion.  That, however, is personal preference. Mine doesn't look nearly as clean but I'm currently not ashamed to show it off, so here are some pics.

As it turns out my iPhone, iPad and my Kodak quick cam suck at taking pics. I wanted a few closer shots that could really take in the detail of some of my mess ups, but I was foiled. Well, even with its flaws I enjoy Hi-Nu, I think it did its job well. Got me thinking about Gundam and started me back into Gunpla building, I hope I can stick with it for a bit.

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